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Interview: Maxi Shield (Girl's Night Out)

Ladies! Get ready for an exciting night of incredible performances and all things fabulously femme at Girl's Night Out at the Concourse Theatre this December! Rosie asked Maxi Shield some questions about this show and why drag continues to capture the hearts and vivaciously entertain the Australian community. Have a read below:

What was the inspiration behind Girls Night Out, and having only femme/female performers take the stage?

The idea behind the show is for the hard working ladies to have a night out, let their hair down and forget everything for a few hours while they laugh!  Leave the hubby and kids at home, grab a few girlfriends and enjoy!  Keep the hubby at home to look after the kids and clean lol.  Seriously, there’s so much amazing female/femme talent in Australia – they deserve to be take centre stage.   Who doesn’t want a night out of fun and fabulousness!

The lineup for this is amazing! Do you get to work with the other performers in the lead up, or is it all solo work?

Primarily I will be working by myself (sort of… secrets….sssshhhhhh) but I will be fan girling over a few of the comedians that will be performing on the night.. I’m absolutely beside myself that Wendy Harmer is performing.  I used to listen and laugh many many years ago when she was on the radio (and I was a young boy-ish)

In this current political climate, what is the importance of femme/female voices in comedy?

It’s so important to laugh.. we need more laughter in the world.  With some much craziness and seriousness happening, sometimes we just need to sit down at laugh till we have tears in our eyes.  I personally think female comics are funnier than the boys, maybe its because I think they are more relatable, or maybe its because that are just “bloody funnier”.

Why do you think drag has captivated audiences for so long? What keeps us coming back?

Australia had fabulousness burst into the public arena with Priscilla Queen of the desert.  And audiences seem to jump on board, loving the glitter and fabulousness.  We now see the resurgence with RuPauls Drag race and a whole new audience base.  Drag queens are touchable stars, bringing entrainment to a grass roots level.. We are glamorous, sparkly and a bit rude lol…

What can audiences expect from your performance? What can they expect from the night as a whole?

HUGE… and that’s just my eye lashes and boobs!… Think sing-a-long, think audience participation, think lots of laughter and cheering.  I don’t want one quiet person in the room!


Favourite production you have ever seen?

DisneySea in Tokyo.  The show with Mickey Mouse and wicked witch is still one of the most amazing things I’ve every seen

You’re getting on a plane tomorrow and you can go anywhere in the world, where do you go?

Either NY (I’ve never been) or Japan which I fell in love with last time I went in Nov.

Dream role in any show to perform?

I want to perform in either a ballet or opera at the Sydney Opera house.  I think it would be just so magical.

Plays or musicals?

YOU CANT MAKE ME CHOOSE….. I love musicals but then I saw Driving Miss Daisy with Angela Lansbury and James Earl Jones…

Absolutely Incredible.

A hobby you have beyond performing?

I have two dogs so they are my life out side performing (performing for 21 years….. I can’t turn it off haha)

What’s next for you after this show?

I’ve been a full time performer for the last 21 years (so blessed) so I will keep doing my shows on Oxford Street and around Sydney.. I do want to eventually perform in Japan and even India..

Girl's Night Out is a one night only spectacular on December 8th 2018 at the Concourse Theatre, Chatswood. Tickets are on sale now!

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